I wonder why...

I loved writing. Specially my diary. Anne Frank is solely responsible for that. Unfortunately, after writing for almost a decade, more than a decade has passed since I wrote something in my diary. This blog is a desperate attempt to revive that - something I thought publishers would be queuing up for:-)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Seductive Sedan

It's been more than a year since I updated the blog. No specific reason as such - apart from the competency that I have mastered -- procrastination. In this last year, a lot of happened -- I went to the US on an assignment, stayed there for 9 months, came back to India, went to Kolkata on a three-week leave and then have re-settled in Mumbai. Now that I am back with a broadband connection, expect frequent updates from me.
As of now, what has completely taken over me is the car that I want to buy. The first decision was to decide whether to buy or not. Procrastination couldn't get the better of me because of my love for cars right from my childhood. Sitting behind the wheels have always given me a kick which few other things in life could've. In fact, in all the 33 years that I have lived on this Blue Planet, only the last three years have been without a car. Please don't misunderstand me -- it's got nothing to do with status or showing off -- it's just the love to have something that you love!
But the next decision was something that could be procrastinated -- which car to buy. But even that, surprisingly, did not take much time. The loyalty to my employer -- the TATA group -- made me convinced that the car had to be from TATA Motors.
Now the decision was that of whether to go for a hatchback or a sedan. The hatchback seemed more logical considering the road conditions in Mumbai, but the sedan seemed more seductive! And I did fall prey to the seduction of the Indigo -- those perfect curves where impossible to resist!
But that is where procrastination took over from. Now when every thing has been decided -- I am waiting for the right deal and the best offer! Going my previous experience, it's going to take quite some time before I sign on the dotted line for buying the car.


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