Thursday, April 09, 2015
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Baby steps to loving thyself...
Saturday, April 04, 2015
Anger and aftermath ...
Two fortnights that changed it all ...
Friday, December 22, 2006
Looking at things - ab initio
The last few times I read the book, it was more to know about the curious adventures of the Physicist-cum-drummer-cum-teacher and to laugh and enjoy. But this time the feeling was about relating to the thoughts, finding analogies in my own life and, of course, thanking my decision of studying (whatever little it may be) the world's best subject - Physics.
Not sure how many of you feel this way, but somehow I have always been interested in looking at things from the very basics. So if it was the prized record player that my father had, I head to open it up and fiddle with the amplifier and stylus. If it was our car, I had to open the bonnette and see what was inside. And if it was the television, I had to know how it operated. And this was not limited to gadgets -- even simple stuff like a tap, a valve, safety pin...the basics of anything and everything appealed to me. Back in school, I was not able to figure out the exact science behind everything, but I could at least find out how it happened. So while I couldn't understand how the petrol engine operated, I could at least figure out how the petrol reached the engine from the tank, how the spark plugs set fire to the engine and how the brake shoes stopped the car!
When I started studying Physics, I got a scientific explanation for all those things. So I started applying Physics to everything in my life. If I had walk on two arms of a rectangle, I would rather walk diagonally. Why? That would mean the least distance travelled and thus less energy spent. In other words, I would be reaching my destination with less work! Similarly, a look at the exhaust fan in the kitchen would leave me wondering about the applicability of Bernoulli's Principle! About how any fluid would be drawn towards an area of low pressure. And why red lights were used in traffic signals and tail-lights of vehicles! Since the wave length of the red light was maximum, it could travel the most distance!
And of course, MLT
And, standing today 34 summers after I came to live, I am proud that I studied Physics. I am thankful that I read Perelman and Feynman. And, I am happy that I look at things ab-initio.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
The Seductive Sedan
As of now, what has completely taken over me is the car that I want to buy. The first decision was to decide whether to buy or not. Procrastination couldn't get the better of me because of my love for cars right from my childhood. Sitting behind the wheels have always given me a kick which few other things in life could've. In fact, in all the 33 years that I have lived on this Blue Planet, only the last three years have been without a car. Please don't misunderstand me -- it's got nothing to do with status or showing off -- it's just the love to have something that you love!
But the next decision was something that could be procrastinated -- which car to buy. But even that, surprisingly, did not take much time. The loyalty to my employer -- the TATA group -- made me convinced that the car had to be from TATA Motors.
Now the decision was that of whether to go for a hatchback or a sedan. The hatchback seemed more logical considering the road conditions in Mumbai, but the sedan seemed more seductive! And I did fall prey to the seduction of the Indigo -- those perfect curves where impossible to resist!
But that is where procrastination took over from. Now when every thing has been decided -- I am waiting for the right deal and the best offer! Going my previous experience, it's going to take quite some time before I sign on the dotted line for buying the car.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
The elastic limit of honesty
I wanted to write something on this ever since the ‘sting operation’ struck the nation. The nation’s hundreds of crores of viewers and readers bored from the staple diet of 70 plus Leftists protesting over the invasion of multinationals immediately latched on to what looked like a sneak preview into the bedrooms of people we iconised.
Monday, March 07, 2005
You've got mail...
I still remember the day I opened my first email account. It was a hot and sultry afternoon in the summer of 1997 and I was surfing the Net at the British Council Information Centre. In those days, BCL hosted one of the few cybercafés in Kolkata.